A circular economy for
electric vehicle batteries
Many electric vehicle (EV) batteries can be reused before recycling. Infinite Cycle is focused on reusing EV batteries to create reliable, low-cost “second-life” energy storage systems. In doing so, we maximize the value of these batteries, strengthen the resilience and sustainability of battery supply chains, and support the global transition to renewable energy
Who We Are
Who We Are
We are leader in the development of innovative solutions dedicated to accompanying residential consumers,
businesses and municipalities throughout the energy transition.
businesses and municipalities throughout the energy transition.
Our Vision
Our Vision
We improve people’s daily lives by enabling everyone to actively make better energy choices.
Our Mission
We provide an ecosystem of integrated solutions easily adoptable by everyone.
Our Business
We enable people and businesses to keep their energy consumption under control.
Our People
Willing to adapt and change quickly, nimble and creative in the face of risk and responsive to opportunity.
Our offer